Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mother Cow Questions.

Ben Howson, world history per. 6                                                           October 31, 2013
Thoughts and reflections on: mother cow

The main functions that cow are used for in India are for fuel, fertilizer, milk, floorcovering, meat, and leather. The cows are very useful, because of all of these things, even though they produce little amounts of milk compared to other cows aroung the world, but those little amounts of milk can really help the poor farmers, by giving them some food, energy, and protien. The real reason that cows are sacred in India, is because They were very useful to them in so many ways. We use chemicals such as pestasides, and lots of natural gasses, when in india They use oxen for the used of tractors.The Indians are much more inviormentaly frendly, because they use everything from the cow even there dung. They also dont use big mashinery that puts a lot of polution into the air. I think that the Indians use their cows more eficinatly, because they use everything from the cow. They get meat, leather, milk, and just a bunch of other other stuff that is very important, and useful.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Caste Ststem

The Caste System is a social structure that classes you based on Hinduism determend by birth (heredity). The people at the top of the caste system are called Brahmins, and the people at the very botom of the cast system are called the untuchables. So pretty much your whole life depended on your parents, and what the did in life.The Caste system both unifys and divide, It divides people by splitinng them up into classes based on their heredity, it also unifys people by putting everyone together. The caste system got to India mostly through religion, but it also came to India from other things. But today the religios side of the caste system is starteing to fade away. The caste system's purpose is that wethy people have welthy kids, and on and on. Also poor people have poor kids, but they sometimes also have welthy kids, but they need to work their way up to the top if they want to wealthy, and what they did in there life determens their kids life. The Caste system still exists today, because of religion.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Attributes of ancient India

Ben Howson, World History 6                                                                               October 28, 2013
Thoughts and reflections on: Ancient India: outstanding attributes of ancient India.
Don't No Author.

Many outstanding things that we have today have come from ancient India. One outstanging attribute that we have gotten from them is being able to have fresh water in our houses. I think that this is important, because we don't have to go outside and gather water and disinfect it every time we want a drink of water. Another attribute is being able to have copper mirrors. I think that this is important, because we use mirrors every day, such as going to the dentance, he uses it so that he can see into the back of your mouth. We also have the attribute of light, as candles, lamps, and using vegetable oil as the fire starter. This is important, because this was the beging of light, and if we didn't do this, we probably wouldn't have the lightbulb. We also learned how to farm and use sugarcane, and cotten. This is important, because use sugarcane in foods, and we use cotten in cloths, and we need both of these thing every day. They also we the ones who domestacated most animals and plats. this is important because we have and use domescated animals every day. We use them for food, work, and clothing. This has been a very vitle step in the human race. We also have pottery and toys. This is important, because we use pottery to eat out of, and also to plant. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sarcophagus project

The first colom is my name, and the rest it the 6 things that I enjoy.

For my symboles I used a tennis wraket, because I love tennis, and I also put waves, because I love to swim, and I also love the ocean. I pun on a Nike symbol, on my sarcophagus because I love to run/ hike, I put on a pair of skis, because I love to ski, and I put on a road, because I love road bikeing. 
I put a door, so that I could get out if I needed to. I put on a 4 leaft colver, to represent luck and a modern day beetle. Also so that I would have good luck in the after life. I also put on the eye of Horas, so that I can see. I put neclaces on and also colord my sarcophagus gold to represent that I was rich, and a good pharoh. Also so that I could bring my welth and power on to the after life. My name is in the middle of my sarcophagus, and it represents who I am. 
I used the colors gold and blue the most, because they are colors of royalty. 
I put all of this stuff on my sarcophagus, because it has the things that I like to do, and symboles that will help me in the afterlife. I think that it is important that I put the things that I like to do on there, so that I will still have them, and still be good at them in the afterlife. I also put all of the symboles on there, so that I would have good luck and important things that will help me on my way to the after life. 

The Egyptians were not scared of dieing. They thought of dieing as a new begining, and going to the after life was where that new begining began. They burried the pharaohs, and other important people with most of the stuff that was clossest to them when they were alive. So they would burry them with their gold, pets, slaves, and many other things, so that when they got to the after life, every thing would be the same, as when they left life. They drew and painted symboles on them to wish them luck and to serve them in the after life. They would put symboles of games and sports and just a bunch of things that they liked to do. They got this idea of going to the after life from their religion, and also from the thought of not living. I think that they did this, because they liked to belive that your life doen't just end one day, and that hopefully the people that you love will go to a good place. I think that they couldn't get over the fact of daeth, so they turned it in to a happy thing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Question 21

Question 21 answers
Ben Howson

The worlds first skyscrapers were the ancient Eygiptian pyramids. They weren't really the skyscrapers that we have today, but they were extreamy tall, and made out of massive stones that together in one pyramid weighed about 850,000 tons. These pyramids stand arould 200 feet in the air, which is pretty good saying that they were made hundreds of years ago. Today we have skyscrapers that stand about 2,000 feet in the air, and we are still making them taller. The whole point of the pyramids, was to burry important people, such as the pharaohs and others who are near the top of the important pyramid. So pretty much a pyramid is a huge 200 foot tall grave, for one person, treasure, slaves, and other things like pets that were killed, so that they could help the pharaohs in the after life. Most of the pyramid is filled with traps and other things that could kill you if you try and take gold from the toom. They Egyptians had there own way to burry the dead. They pretty much rip out the guys heart, and the rest of his intestens and organs. Then they rap up every thing, and throw it back into the body, and then in to a stone sarcophagus. They  do this, because they wanted to presurve the dead body, so they mummified the dead bodys. They did this, because they wanted them to go to the after life. I think that there are many modern equivalents to the ancient pyramids.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thoughts and reflections on a light that did not fail.

Ben Howson                                                                                           10/8/13
World history per. 6
Thoughts and reflections on A Light That Did Not Fail.
By E. A. Speiser

Mesopatameans were so ethnically diverse, because of the Silmarians. Their culture group was a perfect pice of a puzzle that worked perfectly with all the other other pices. Mesopatamia was a giant melting pot, kind of like the USA today, with all these different divercitys. I think that if we didn't have Mesopatamia the USA would be a completaly different place.
The basic features and enduring cultural values of ancient Mesopotamia civilizations were, because all the people in Mesopatamia worshiped, and looked up to the same gods. The only people who didn't worship the same gods were the Egyptians, because they were not in Mesopatamia, the where in Africa. They also have a love for woman.
The ancient mesopantamians built their cities over and over again in the same place, because they loved their land, and had a very deep connection with it, so they didn't want keep moving every time something bad happend. Like in Boulder, we don't move all of are roads around, just because of the flood. We rebuild them, and make them better. Just because because so etching is broken doesn't mean that you can't fix it. They also picked a very good spot to live. They picked a spot that was close to a river, but not to close, so that if the river floods, not every thing will get damaged.they really loved where they lived, and there is no point of moving around all the time, just because of a natural disaster, like a flood.