Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thoughts and Reflections on: The Origins of The Modern World

Ben Howson, Modern World History
Mr. Angus

Eurocentrism is basically the views of history through a european's eyes. Eurocentrism started in Europe, and then eventually spread around the world. While Europe was acting on this and spreading it's points of views around the world, everyone else was being passive. Most of the world history today is presented in a Eurocentric view. The Eurocentric views on history, show that Europe really acted, and really helped shaped our history. Non Eurocentrism is pretty much not looking at history in a europeans perspective. Instead Non Eurocentric views believe that China and India are the ones that really acted and shaped history, while the rest of the world stood around and watched. Both Eurocentrism and Non Eurocentrism are similar because both are opinionated views on who shaped history, and really made the world what it is today. But both Eurocentrism and Non Eurocentrism differ, because each are different opinions that have different views and perspectives on who truly acted and shaped history. But both of these are really based on opinion and what you believe. The author takes a Non Eurocentric narrative, because he really wants to make you think, and kind of look at another perspective. He wants you to look at something that not many people look at, and to question yourself on what you believe.  

I chose this picture to represent an opinion, and also to in order to learn things you have to look through someone else's eyes.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Three Biggest Problems Today

Ben Howson, Modern World History
Mr. Angus

 I believe that the pollution of the air, the water, and the soil is the biggest problem today, because we are polluting the main things the we as humans and many other things need to survive, and live in this world. Also this one thing, could effect all thirteen things on this list, and make the world even worse.

I think that our natural resources running out, or being degraded, is the second biggest problem, because if we loose our natural resources, would would have to fully restart, and find new things that we could replace those resources with, which could take a very long time, and there also might not even be any replacements for some of the natural resources.

Lastly I think that the population growth outstripping worldwide resources is the third biggest problem today, because the population growth is going to make us use up our resources faster, and also create more pollution due to the increase of people on Earth.