Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Africa Final Project: China in Africa during the 21st century

Ben Howson and Kyle Sudol

China in Africa during the 21st century
·      Europe in Africa to China in Africa
·      Struggles with Africa’s modernization and development
·      What is in store for Africa in the years to come
·      How could China have improved Africa rather than hurt it
·      What would happen if Africa solved their problem
·      How could Africa’s problem be solved  

The initial problem goes way back to the Europeans in Africa. Europe was trying to make Africa something that it is not and were really just trying to postpone the problem, while they exported their resources for their own benefit. For example, Belgium was in the congo excavating for rubber. They were enforcing what we call today, The white-man’s burden, which is the idea that the Europeans had to spread their customs religion, idea, and basically everything about them, on to other countries. Africa knew this, but didn’t have the power to kick them out, and the same thing is happening again with china. But China isn’t inflicting their religion, and customs on to Africa, but instead, they are just taking Africa’s resources for their own benefit. Africa has no real leadership, which is a big problem. China is acting like the heroes for Africa, but they are only there for the same reason that the Europeans were there, resources.  
Africa is being taken over by China, slowly but surly, and they know it. But they won’t stand up to it, because China is a modern and developed country, which has more power and money than them. Even though China is doing this, Africa needs their funding and money, so that they can survive as a country. But if Africa was a modern a developed country, they would need any help from the people who are bringing them down. For instance many places in Africa are still 3rd world countries, which none of todays modern countries have.  
This can really go either way. China is really helping Africa with their funding, giving money and more, and this can be considered good. But China is also taking their valuable resources, and really don’t care about the political part of Africa, which is the part that needs to be fixed. Although it seams good that China is giving Africa a ton of money, the amount of resources that they are taking, is far greater than what they are paying. So if China were to become more involved with Africa’s political side, then Africa could really benefit from it. But if China continues to just take their resources, for less money, then this could end up destroying Africa’s future.  
China could actually care about Africa trying to fix itself rather than ripping them off, taking all of their resources and further destroying the political side of Africa. China could help them in many ways because they have faced many problem with the europeans and have mostly solved them. They could stop pretending that they are helping Africa, and actually help them, by caring about their political and economical situations. Yes, China is giving Africa a lot of money, but this isn’t doing anything for Africa, because they don’t know what to do with the money, and therefore spend it on silly wasteful things, when they could be using it to pull them out of debt.     
When Africa solves both their leadership problems, and their trading problems, many things could be possible for them. First off, Africa will truly be on there own, and will be able to do what they want, without any outside interference. Africa could finally be a true independent country, and they could finally come out of their dark era, starting new.    
Africa really needs to stand up and take control of their trade with China. It is their resources, and they need to set the boundaries. They need to make sure the trade is fair and that both are benefiting from their relationship. They need something that benefits them so that they can recover from the white man's burden, and finally become an independent continent. Africa would need to create an alliance with Japan. They would most likely accept, because Japan and China have a lot of conflict with one another. Africa and Japan are very similar even though it might not seem so. Japan was in the same position that Africa is in, but instead with America. Japan having the third largest economy in the world, and coming from, where Africa is now, and they could learn a lot. Africa would benefit from Japan’s expertise in economy, and Japan would be able to stick it to China, one of their biggest rivals.

Work Cited

"Africa–China Relations." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.

"China-Africa Relations in the 21st Century: Engagement, Compromise and Controversy." China-Africa Relations in the 21st Century: Engagement, Compromise and Controversy. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.

Chun, Zhang. The Sino-Africa Relationship: Toward a New Strategic Partnership. Rep. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

"One among Many." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 17 Jan. 2015. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.

"Robinson | Chinese Expansion and Western Influence in 21st Century Africa." Robinson | Chinese Expansion and Western Influence in 21st Century Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.

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